Creating a Facebook page for our short film will enable us to promote it. It is a fast way to gain attention for our short film. Facebook enables us to show work we have created as a group. The features of the site allow users to post text, photos, videos and users can like dislike and comment on these posts providing feedback and gaining interest for our film. 
Existing Facebook pages have helped me to research the best way in which to present my work and the ways in which films are promoted and advertised. It’s been a helpful tool when planning how I should target my audience of show my work. 

I’ve been able to research and keep track of existing films and how they are presented and promoted to audiences and the target markets. Twitter has enabled me to find out more about promotion of media and therefore has helped me with my research. Using the site has helped me to plan the way in which I will be promoting my short film and also the techniques that I could use within my film. Having my account has allowed me to find existing short films or other forms of media that inspire me and to keep these ideas in one place. This has helped me to consider and plan how I might make our what shots I could use within my work. For instance a dinner date scene from the fault in our stars has been influential to me when thinking about how we would achieve a romantic dinner scene in our own film. 

This allows me to send 10 second pictures to my group for our short film, for example if i want to check if a costume is right and see if we all agree on it. We also used to to connect to our target audience. 

I used pintrest to help research social groups, this helped us decided what class India and Jack would be in.

This allows me and my group to see each face and video chat when discussing our opening film.

This way i can keep in contact with my group if we want to discuss things about our short film with messages.

Trello helped me plan out what I needed to do, in an organised way.

Pintrest helped me pick outfits for both India and Jack and inspiration for India's cut and bruises makeup.

Tumblr also helped me have inspiration for costume.

We filmed on Canon D650 cameras.

Was used to make a slideshow of all our photos we took during filming.

IMovie was used to put all the clips together.

We got evaluation from snapchat, as we got feedback by posting short 10 second clips of our opening movie.

We used Facebook to get constructive feedback as people could comment and like our pictures and videos.

New Hive 
Was used to help me present all my evidence about how I used new technology in my film opening.

Our short film was put on the Claremont YouTube channel in order to get feedback from any watchers.

The 3 technologies I found best?

This allowed me to communicate with my group outside of school, we would discuss when filming was, what we were going to film, how we were going to, and any other details. We created a group chat on Facebook and if anyone was unsure on anything we would ask on there. We also used it to share photos that each other have taken during filming. Or to send links to the Twitter, Instagram or Facebook page once they were up and running. This was extremely useful for organisation as we had everything in one place and had an easy way of communication.
I also used Facebook, to get feedback on my opening film, as on the page that was set up people were able to like and comment on posts. 
This was created using Picmonkey

Imovie was a vital step in construction of our opening film. As this let us piece together all our footage, and add effects, sound and text. Without iMovie we would have been unable to edit our opening film. The effects in iMovie I used where the video effects (bleach bypass) and the cutaway tool to layer two clips together and then fade the opacity. iMovie also gave us the option of added themes, which we used for the news reporter scene, making it look more professional. It also offers transitions in order to have a slicker and more gradually effect in-between scenes. 
This was created using Picmonkey

The camera allowed us to film our footage we wanted to use for our opening film. We used a Canon D65o to shoot our opening film. This had good quality and focused well on a point. It also allowed us to play back our footage. Along with this it worked well with our editing software of iMovie.
Created using Picmonkey

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