Tuesday 16 September 2014


We looked at the film Pride and how it was attracting an audience.

Here an article shows how Bill Nighly had a protest to stand up for homosexual people, much like they do in the film. This got the audience excited for the movie as they joined the protest with a very well known actor who is in this film. The audience can then relate to the film more as they have also been through a protest for gay pride.

A video soundbite from actor Andrew Scott urging audiences to book tickets 'as there is only one week left.'
'The real LGSM and stars of #PRIDE marched with a live band to Odeon Cinema, Camden on Tuesday 2nd September for the Premiere! Here are our highlights.' This creates a hype for the film and people then want to go and see it. There website is in colour blocks to draw attention. The website has gifs (moving picture clips) from the movie along with short videos of the actors to get the audience excited. The website also featured a countdown to the film to get people talking.

The actors also had tweeted about the movie so their followers on twitter would know and ReTweet and favourite any tweets. The actors also did publicity things such as interviews and photoshoots to get the word out about the film Pride.

1 comment:

  1. You have drawn attention to some of ways in which audiences were engaged and addressed by the distribution strategies.
