Friday 6 February 2015

Filming; MAKEUP

India's makeup has to show the fact that she has been kidnapped. To do this we used eyeshadow for the bruising. We used a variety of different colours ranging from purples and blues to yellows and greens. This gave us a realistic looking bruise to shown how she had struggled with escaping and had been injured in the process. This also made the film opening more realistic than if she had no marks, making it look like it was easy to escape her kidnappers home.
The bruising was on the left side of India's face, by her eye and the corner of her lip showing her Kidnapper, Jack had physically abused her on her left side.
The fake blood was added as we see in a flashback how Jack uses the side of a mirror he broke to cut India's face. We used two different types of fake blood to get the cut to look as realistic as possible. India also had a cut on her leg showing once again her struggle.

Using PhotoSnack I made a slideshow on the photos to show India's cuts and bruises, along with our filming in the forest that day.

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