Saturday 28 March 2015

We devise, film and edit a short scene which involved a shot, reverse, shot. As a group me, Kate, Sophie and Agatha decided on doing a scene in a police office, with an officer and her boss discussing a current case. We had to think of many different aspects when filming such as, the camera angle, background noise and location of filming. For example when filming the police offeicer scene we had to wait til the room was empty to limit the amount of background noise. A positive was that we worked well as a team and bounced off each others ideas. However a negative was how long it took us to film due to the room being used at some points. When editing we came across issues such as when we went to record out voice over of "PC Sophie please come to mt office" people were talking in the background. To fix this we waited until it was quite in the room. We also came across an issue with music, finding the right copyrighted free of music for our scene.


1. We successfully worked together as a team sharing each persons ideas. We bounced off each other well while working as well.
2. We shared the responsibility of holding the camera, directing, setting the props and acting. This made things much quicker than if we were working alone. 
3. We used realistic props, helping convey the idea of a police station.
5. We used a shot reverse shot- which we found easy and useful while filming.
6. We found a variety of music from the internet, especially sound tracks and openings of television programmes such as The Vampire Dairies. As we felt this had the right feel to the atmosphere of our scene.


1. While editing we realised the importance of a tripod as some shots we did not use a tripod for, this made the shots uneven. 
2. Our location had a lot of background noise of people opening doors and walking through. This made it extremely difficult while filming.
3. Our police uniform could have looked more realistic. 
4. We could have used a microphone as some of the sound was hard to hear and understand, a mic would have levelled this out.  

What have I learnt? 

1. Working as a team is better than working as an individual as you can complete the task quicker, we could then bounce of each others idea so have a wider range of ideas; such as different locations to film at, shot types as well as plot ideas.
2. A shot, reverse, shot is a great shot to create tension, suspense or fast paced interaction. For example showing direct eye contact and facial expressions to the co-stars face instead of directly to the camera.
3. Using iMovie is an easy software to edit short films and film openings on as it is quick, simple especially when dragging different shots into position and cutting footage.

1 comment:

  1. Do you mean copyright free music? A clear account of the processes involved in your preliminary exercise which you planned and executed effectively.
