Thursday 16 October 2014


Les Bleus De Ramville

We looked at the opening titles of French, award winning film Les Bleus De Ramville. 
The establishing shot is a camera in a locker. At first the screen is dark until a ice hockey jersey top is removed from the lense.
 I looked at the camera angle of the jersey being removed from covering the lense and showing that the camera is in fact in a locker. Showing the player prepare for his game in mid-shot. I could use something like this in my work by having something cover the lense and remove it so the set becomes clear. I could also do something like the camera in the locker by either resting the camera in it or using wood to create the look of a locker.

I looked at the camera work. This is a low angle tracking shot of someone walking up steps to their seats. The low angle shot shows the feet as they walk. The tracking shot follows them as they walk to the side. This shows they are going somewhere, i can recreate this by using low angle shots and a dolly for the tracking angles.

This is an over-the-sholder-shot as the players walk to the ice rink. I like this as the shot when the cut happens there is a change in pitch in the music which emphasises the cut change. This shot shows the tension as they are all in an orderly line. To do something like this I could do over the shoulder shots while someones walks.

This is effective as you can see their game play and tactics develop in the shot. I would like to use something like this to interest my viewer. I could do something like this by using a stop-motion, as the game play develops. The look gives it a neat and precise look along with adding tension to the opening titles to increase excitement for the game.

This is a low angle shot to show the precise movement between two characters just as they drop the hockey puck, to what seems, on the camera. I will use this technique in order to show a variety of camera angles and emphasises something dropping in a scene.

This shows the atmosphere to the audience of the ice hockey games, showing the violent ways. The set is the ice hockey rink, showing the audience very clearly where they are and what they are doing. The lense flare from the left upper corner draws attention to the scene and makes the user look which I would like to do in my own work, the bright coloured light making the audience look at the Mise-en-scene.

A birds eye view, tracking shot was used to show a players movements when following the hockey puck. This adds effect as it increases tension and excitement for their games and playing. To re-create this i could have the person hold the camera as they do there activity.

This is a close up shot of the puck being scored into the goal. The clip is in slow motion so it fits the music and also gives the viewer more time to see it, becoming happy for the score. The red lense flare in the right corner which could possibly be the score board; brings the attention and makes the viewer focus as it adds to the dramatic tension.

The spilling of drinks and popcorn in this low angle shot shows the crowds excitement and buzz for the ice hockey team. The titles coming in clear, easy to read font in the area of the shot where it is not too busy. This gives it a good look as the title is placed well. I would like to use the idea of placing the title in an area where there is no noise to distract from it to give my work a professional look.

This is a low angle shot which shows the players ice boots as they walk to the game. This shot is affective as not all the players boots are in focus, only the one next to the name is. This draws attention to that area so the viewer sees the name of the cast or set member. The name itself being just out of the way of the boots so the screen does not look crowded. I would like to use something like this so the names come across clearer in my own work.

I looked at the title of Les Bleus de Ramville in order to learn about the stop motion and use it in my own work.The title of the TV show developes creating a very slick and crisp end to the opening sequence. The colours on the logo are opposite each other in the colour wheel making the word 'Ramville' stand out against the orange. 

I could use something like this in my own work by using a stop-motion, as it will give the same look of title developing on the screen. I will also use the idea of colours on each other that are opposite on the colour wheel in order to make the title stand out.


  1. Your work would be sharper if you started each post with a topic sentence: here, for example, "I analysed the camerawork, titles and sound and vision editing of 'Les Bleus de Ramville' in order to learn what I could in preparation for my own production.'
    Very good work as you are observant and detailed.
