Tuesday 14 October 2014


I looked at the opening sequence of the TV show 'Suits'
The suits establishing shot dissolves the screen into the shot using a grid of squares. The shots are coloured very dark, using blues mostly showing a solemn mood.

They use extreme close ups of the lawyer getting ready, such as pulling down his suit arm or doing his tie up. This shows him preparing for a busy and hectic day.
This shows how they are in New York while still using blue colours to show a gloomy mood.

 They change colours by using a dissolving look and a lense flare. The colour change during the tracking shot could show a change in the time of day and mood. The colours become warmer in the next shots, they also show a new person.
The scene changes are quick to show the quick hasty life a New York Lawyer.

At points in this opening sequence they have slowed down some of the clips and have the next section in normal motion so it looks faster. This made the normal motion look faster and show the fast showing motion of a New York Lawyers life. I thought this was impressive and will use something like this in my work to show how time moves quickly.


  1. You have analysed the opening credits of a fast-paced tv series and you show understanding of the way in which the camerawork and editing convey meaning as well as signal the genre of the series.
