Friday 3 October 2014


Today I looked at opening scenes of title sequences in more detail. I looked at a website called The Art of The Title for inspiration and also used my own knowledge.

Détectives (2013)

I looked at the opening segment of a TV show called 'Détectives', I then analysed it:
  • It is a detective thriller/mystery TV show. The title sequence has a sense of mystery and piecing clues together, showing what a detective may do, e.g. tracing a number plate of a car to find a suspect. Then showing how all the people are linked together.
  • The set out is as if they are looking throw google maps, and planning a route. Due to the mouse cursor dragging the camera around. Then there are tracking shots around France finding more clues and suspects.
  • The colours are quite warm toned to show the brightness of the country and how it is shown through a computer. 
  • The tracking time lapse shots are effective as it shows how long a detective will spend looking for clues and suspects. It also gives the effect of rushing, like a detective would be rushing to get the work down and get the right criminal. 
  • The music is catchy and quite upbeat yet still fits the genre. The lyrics fit as at the end the words "When you know" are repeated three times; as if to mock how the detectives do not yet know who the suspect is.
  • The font is constant, and clear to read changing between black and white if nesacarry. The black and white shows justice and a black and white case that the detective needs to solve. At the end when 'Detectives' comes up the S is red, this could be to show blood and link back to a case. Or it can also mean unknown as the colour is used with detectives and police officers to link suspect but the link is still unknown.

The Conjuring (2013)

This is the title pages of a film called The Conjuring which I decided to look at:
  • The genre of this film is a horror that is based on a true story and set in 1971. 
  • The titles very cleverly come up using either newspaper headings or presentation screens. The use of negatives is also used with the newspaper articles printed on them and by adding another layer it gets darker. A negative layer may also say a name of someone who worked on the film and be places over the articles. This is used as the film is based on real life events so the newpapers are used as if they are looking for clues that had happened.
  • Inverted colours was used to give a spooky feel to the titles and really set the atmosphere of mystery for the film. They also use old fashioned techology e.g. microfiche to verify the real life events.
  • The music is also very gloomy to set the mood.
  • The camera is kept still and only the negatives move and change, sometimes a fade in and out cut has been used.
  • The font is constant and always the same, in clear, bold easy to read letters which are always in negative and inverted colours.

Lie To Me (2009-2011)

I looked at the opening segment of a TV show called 'Lie to Me' I then analysed the opening:
  • The genre is a crime/thriller TV show. The opening section of this show is showing all the tells people can give in a lie. For example if they clench their fist, they maybe angry. They show this on the opening by having a computer generalised line going from the tell to the emotion they're feeling.
  • The background is a bright white wall. This could be like a spotlight and be used to intimated people, as if they were being interrogated.
  • The camera stays still as it is on a tripod, as if the person is being interrogated and being recorded. This fits in with the genre of the show.
  • The colours are quite cold and dark, some clips are even grey-scaled. This sets the tense atmosphere of the show, the grey can show how the person being interrogated try to be conserved and not show their emotions. The black and whites also being used to show justice and a black and white case, such as the white is innocent and black mysterious.
  • The first clip is a man (the interrogator) leaning in, the edges black and blurry as if he is looking through a peephole, or microscope to inspect the suspects. Then at the end he leans back out and stand upright as if he is satisfied with the information he has gathered.
  • The music starts off slow however rapidly picks up. The music is quite fast and impulsive, maybe how someone would feel when committing a crime or being interrogated for one due to the adrenaline. 
  • The font is clear and easy to read, using black and whites for lighter or darker backgrounds. Black and whites is used to show the authority and justice of the case.


  1. Detectives: you analyse the way in which the visuals of the opening credits embody the mix of traditional footwork and computer research in a detective investigation. You understand how genre is signalled.

  2. The Conjuring: make it clear that the principal method employed here is the effect of someone looking through evidence in the form of newspaper cuttings and photographs using old fashioned technology (microfiche) to authenticate the representation of a true event.
